Welcome to Crescite

Welcome to Crescite

The Catholic Token™

Your token to the future of faith-led utility.

 Crescite Innovation

Featured In

Eddie Cullen and Karl Kilb with SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce at Georgetown University.

The Catholic Token™

Crescite Innovation Corporation is at the intersection of technology and faith, finding creative and collaborative ways to utilize technology and content to further Catholic missions, education, and evangelization.

The Crescite Token – The Catholic Token™ – is designed for adoption in use cases tied to Catholic education, such as the Hekima University project in Molo, Kenya – the first Jesuit university in East Africa  – and to Catholic evangelization, including interactive activities such as the Acutis Game™  – which illustrates 2000+ years of Catholic history, exploring the lives of Saints, amazing holy sites, and Catholic values and teachings.

Are you ready?

The Crescite Community

The “Crescite” name highlights the Crescite Community’s emphasis on the Latin phrase meaning “Care for the Whole Person”. Crescite believes in the promotion of individual respect and human dignity by stressing education, social justice, financial inclusion, and sustainability.

Scientific Governance

Built on a meticulously vetted model created through experts in the space of blockchain, artificial intelligence, ESG investing, faith-based initiatives; with a goal of total decentralization.

Social Justice through Sustainable Finance

Our non-fungible token (NFT) collections will only highlight faith-based human beings and religious-related artifacts while our security tokens focus exclusively on large-scale ESG investments that are centric to sustainable development goals.

Modernized Assessment of Human Impact on Society

The intention of redefining educational assessment as a tool for human progress through longitudinal learning outcomes.

Adopting Crescite Globally

The Crescite Foundation is committed to promoting the adoption of Crescite at a global scale to encourage impactful, profitable, and sustainable investing alternatives.

Our Partners

Crescite Tokenomics

Token Type

Utility Token


 All Currencies

Total Supply

40 Billion



Technical Standard


Token Utility Use Cases

Your Crescite token is more than just a digital asset, offering an increasing range of utility opportunities as we grow and expand.


Token holders get access to the future planning potential through Crescite
Governance opportunities with the Crescite DAO.

Hekima University

The Crescite token’s utility can provide real-time settlement of transactions
across the world.

Events & Community

Token holders will get an opportunity to attend real life meetups and parties with the most influential people in the world. As a token holder, you will get VIP access to these events.

Open-Source Utility

Build your decentralized application on the Crescite Token.

Crescite Roadmap The Future of the Protocol

Follow our journey towards creating our fully decentralized faith-based community.

NFT supported Sustainable Development Goals

Our focus is to support the 17 goals outlined in the United Nation’s 2030 Agenda for sustainable government including but not limited to: poverty reduction, food security, water sanitation, sustainable energy, and climate change.

University Infrastructure

A proprietary model for open-source building of University infrastructure starting with The Proposed Hekima University in Molo, Kenya.

Faith-Based ESG Metaverse

Our humanity shines through in the Web 3.0 universe collectively encompassing faith and unity. Our Metaverse is defined through highlighting a togetherness in technology innovation.

Here to serve our global community…

86% of the global population considers themselves part of a faith-based community, including 2.3 billion Christians

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